What are the Canucks doing?




This is actually the first time that I have had to do a foreword, first of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts, I have been feeling quite burned out and Covid-19 is kinda stressing me out. If you are reading, thank you for supporting my blog :). It really means a lot to me. Also, if you could follow  this blog and subscribe to my Youtube channel Beavermon, that would make my day. Thanks! Now onto the article… 

The National Hockey League (NHL), the most famous ice hockey league in the world and the league every young aspiring ice hockey player dreams to play in when they grow up. The NHL consists of 32  teams, located in major cities around Canada and the U.S. Among those 32 teams are the Vancouver Canucks. Although the Canucks are pictured as a friendly lighthearted team where people all around the world can tune in to watch  them face off against  other teams, it’s not without its controversy. Interested? Read On! 

Travis Green Controversy: 

One of the most recent events that happened in the NHL was that the Vancouver  Canucks coach (Travis Green) got fired and was replaced by Bruce Boudreau. This move was probably initiated by the Canucks doing in a steep decline losing games and demoralizing players. But before we jump to any conclusions, let me give you a short overview of both coaches. 

Travis Green

Bruce Boudreau

Travis (Vernon) Green was born on the 20th of December 1970. He played for five different NHL teams in his time in the NHL (14 years)  before coaching the Vancouver Canucks. He also previously coached the American Hockey League's Utica Comets. 

Bruce (Allan) Boudreau was born on January 9th 1955 He previously served as head coach of the Washington Capitals, Anaheim Ducks, and Minnesota Wild. Boudreau won the Jack Adams award in 2008 for the most outstanding coach in the NHL. 

So what do I think?

Well, I think that the Canucks management team have made a really good move as the Canucks have been on a 7 straight winning streak bulldozing through team after team. Another factor that aided in my opinion was that the Canucks star player, Elias Petterson has regained his confidence back and has been scoring goals. I feel like that this sudden improvement is due to the fact that Boudreau has been head coach of the Washington Capitals, Anaheim Ducks, and Minnesota Wild. This means that Boudreau is an experienced coach. In addition to all of that, Boudreau has also been focused on discipline which helps players get the right hockey mindset. He has done this by emphasizing the importance of ice hockey camps and immediately starting one after the Omicron variant hit the team. 

Now, let's talk about trades… 


The Canucks traded away Alexander Elder (defense),  Chris Tanev (defense) and Jacob Markstrom (goalie). All three of those players in my opinion  are stellar players and I don’t like that. Jacob Markstrom carried the Canucks in the 2019-2020 season making it into the semifinals, Chris Tanev scored several overtime goals that secured the Canucks multiple spots in the seasons that he played in, and Alexander Elder is by far the best defence man I have ever seen. The fact that the Canucks traded away these players still irritates me to this day. As I feel like that the team would be much better if those players were not traded away. 

Potential Kraken, Canucks rivalry: 

CLick here for an article regarding the topic! 

With two cities with NHL teams so close to each other, there is bound to be some form of rivalry whether it be as severe as the Battle for Alberta or just a minor/small one like the Penguins and the Flyers. There has already been an existing rivalry between Seattle and Vancouver but not in the NHL,  the Vancouver Millionaires and the Seattle Metropolitans faced off against each other many times in the PCHA once even in the playoffs  in 1919! This is further backed up by the fact that when a survey was conducted by TheAthletic,  (1000+ participants) over 83% of  people thought that there would be a rivalry between the two teams. 

Overall, I think that while the Canucks organization has had its share of ups and downs, it has persisted and will always be my favorite NHL team. I hope that in the near future the Canucks will finally win the Stanley cup. I hope that you enjoyed this article and I will see you in the next one! 




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