
Showing posts from January, 2022

What are the Canucks doing?

                                                                                          Foreword:  This is actually the first time that I have had to do a foreword, first of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts, I have been feeling quite burned out and Covid-19 is kinda stressing me out. If you are reading, thank you for supporting my blog :). It really means a lot to me. Also, if you could follow  this blog and subscribe to my Youtube channel Beavermon, that would make my day. Thanks! Now onto the article…  The National Hockey League (NHL), the most famous ice hockey league in the world and the league every young aspiring ice hockey player dreams to play in when they grow up. The NHL consists of 32  teams, located in major cities around Canada and the U.S. Among those 32 teams are the Vancouver Canucks. Although the Canucks are pictured as a friendly lighthearted team where people all around the world can tune in to watch  them face off against  other teams, it’s not

Video Editing As A Hobby 📹

                                                                                  Have you ever wondered how Youtubers make those epic videos? Well today I'm not going to show you! That did not make sense Today instead of making another crummy editing tutorial, I will be going one step back and giving my advice on video editing as a hobby. Interested? Read on!  My opinion on if you should take editing up as a hobby “Video editing is both a rewarding profession and useful skill for personal use.” This statement which is quoted from the American Graphics Institute’s website details why I do video editing as a hobby. I use video editing as both a way to express myself and to pass time. I usually make little edits to show to my friends at school or to upload onto my youtube channel called Beavermon. So should you take up video editing? Well the choice is up to you, but I do recommend doing it as learning video editing comes with quite a lot of benefits. For example, I learned how to c