How Ancient Emperors Mantained Power and Control:
Emperor Hadrian was the 14th Roman emperor who came to power when he was aged 41, ruling for 20 years. (From August 117 to July 138) Hadrian was a strict, cunning and imposing leader often finding clever ways to get what he wanted. Emperor Shi Huang Di was a Chinese emperor ruling for 26 years. He came to power aged 38 and was a cruel but also clever emperor building a wall spanning across his northern border. Both of these men used different tactics to keep power and control. For example, Emperor Hadrian used a strict punishment system to keep everyone in line and Emperor Shi Huang Di put criminals in the army to discipline them. Both emperors used armies to keep power and control. For example Emperor Hadrian used the army to deliver messages to other officials around the country, Emperor Hadrian also used the army to calm down revolts and suppress enemies. Likewise, Emperor Shi huang Di used the army to discipline robbers and miscreants by putting them into the ranks. He also us...