A Brief History of Hong Kong

The Pearl of the Orient, the East Asian Tiger and the Fragrant Harbour. These are all names that we call this prosperous city Hong Kong. Hong Kong has had it’s fair share of world events including war and occupation. But what makes Hong Kong so special is how it runs, the people and culture. In this article I want to talk about how 100 years of British influence has affected Hong Kong and I'll give you in depth information about this city that may as well be a country. (source: SCMP) The beginning: Before the British arrived, Hong Kong was just a small fishing village and was a pirate haven. There were also an abundance of thieves and smugglers as Hong Kong was a strategic port in the outer coast of the Guangdong strait port.The Portogese who visited the island called it, ‘Ladrones’ The island of thieves. British traders visited the port often and made a deal with the imperial government in exchange for driving out the pirates. This helped establish a good link with th...